Is Ricotta Cheese Plant Based?

People around the world have been producing and eating Ricotta cheese since ancient times. Today, with the increasing popularity of dairy-free diets, a lot of us wonder whether this nutritious cheese product can still be a part of our everyday life. 

So, is Ricotta Cheese plant based? No, ricotta cheese is not plant-based in its original form. Ricotta Cheese is traditionally made using dairy products that come from animals. As Ricotta contains dairy ingredients, it does not make a good choice for a plant-based diet.

Ricotta Cheese

In this post, let us try to find out whether there are alternatives to ricotta cheese that suit a plant-based diet. 

Top 3 Ricotta Cheese Substitutes For A Plant-Based Diet

Ricotta cheese, in its original form, is made from the liquid that is left after separating curds from milk. The whey is heated with vinegar or citrus juice to result in a fluffy cheese. Today, this cheese is also made from whole milk in many places. As this food contains dairy ingredients, it does not make a good choice for a plant-based diet. 

However, there are some alternatives like Tofutti that use dairy-free milk and ingredients to offer plant-based ricotta cheese used to make a wide variety of dishes and desserts. Let us try to learn about a few of the best ricotta cheese substitutes for a plant-based diet.


This brand has been making dairy-free foods for decades now. The plant-based ricotta called the ‘Better than Ricotta’ is made out of tofu, olive oil, brown rice and soy protein. It is a gluten-free, dairy-free product with no cholesterol. It contains only plant-based ingredients and is free of any preservatives and additives. 

Kite Hill

Another plant-based dairy manufacturer, Kite Hill offers a variety of products to suit restricted diets. In addition to Greek yogurt, cream cheese, dips and dairy-free yogurt, the brand offers ricotta made out of creamy almond milk. This cheese is described as ‘silky’ and recommended for lasagne and desserts to replace the dairy ingredient.

This ricotta contains no gluten, artificial preservatives or GMO ingredients. It also offers 5 grams of protein per serving and has no cholesterol because it contains no animal products. It contains minimal ingredients and is an excellent plant-based alternative to ricotta cheese in sweet and savory recipes. 

Homemade Plant-Based Ricotta

You can even make a dairy-free ricotta that is tangy, creamy and cheesy using a few plant-based ingredients. The easy recipe has a base made up of blanched almonds. They are soaked and peeled before blending. Ricotta only requires lemon juice, nutritional yeast, salt and garlic powder for the cheesy, tangy, salty flavor. Blend everything together to get the plant-based ricotta that you can set in a cheesecloth in the refrigerator to harden. 

This dairy-free ricotta can be used just like normal cheese and added to dishes like pizza, sauces and lasagna. One serving of ¼ cup of this ricotta contains about 6 grams of protein and 162 calories.